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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

On a Similar Note...

Sinusoidal waves of various frequencies; the b...Image via Wikipedia My niece is totally deaf, but she can still tell if there is music playing by feeling the sound pressure. Wouldn't it be great if we could all do that?; Use our sense of touch to it's fullest potential?

I've tried to become more aware of the feeling of sounds around me and I've started to pick up on some things that I hadn't noticed before. It's certainly easier to distinguish loud sounds and be aware of their presence, but even in a short time of trying to pick up on the differences in sounds, I've been able to distinguish differences in frequency as well. Basslines in songs are generally easier to follow, but higher notes have a feeling of their own and with practice, I ("I", meaning "you", "we", "humans") could seemingly easily distinguish the differences in frequencies enough to possibly interpret speech or whole songs.

Next time you're listening to loud music, pay attention to the feeling in your stomach, arm hair, the hair on your head and your fingertips. Touch objects around you to see what they're doing. Look around at things that might be visibly moving too, like ripples on a glass of water, hanging string, the rear view mirror in your car, etc.

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